How many news organisations use Twitter correctly? [Infographic]

New Infographic looks at the changing use of Twitter by news companies 

When it comes to digital publishing, creating compelling articles is only one half of the equation. If you don’t understand how to share your content effectively, then you’re limiting the organic reach of your social media presence.

A 2011 Pew study found that Twitter was being used as a one-way street by major news organisations; pushing content towards their respective audiences. For those organizations, “Twitter [functioned] as an RSS feed or headline service for news consumers, with links ideally driving traffic to the organization’s website,” but not necessarily much thought being put into the mechanics of achieving that traffic.

Fast forward to 2015 – how much has changed? Have news organisations learned how to use Twitter correctly? To find out, NeoMam Studios conducted their own investigation into Twitter usage among the most popular newspapers in the UK and US. Of 44 major newspapers surveyed, only 18 had the @author or @site within the default tweet template used on their onsite Twitter buttons.

The transition from print to pixels remains an ongoing process of evolution as major publications adapt to the unpredictable nature of online readership. If they’re to gain a market edge, then news organisations must ensure that they’re adopting best practices for promotion through Twitter.


To see the full results and conclusions from their study, make sure to check out the infographic below.

Contributer : Smart Insights
How many news organisations use Twitter correctly? [Infographic] How many news organisations use Twitter correctly? [Infographic] Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, August 21, 2017 Rating: 5

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