10 Things You Hated as a Kid that Turned Out to Be Awesome

Being an adult is great and all, but things weren’t quite the same when we were kids. We didn’t want to eat our vegetables, hated taking baths, and don’t get me started about skipping naps. But things have changed (hopefully).


Here are 10 things you hated as a kid that turned out to be awesome.



10. Going to School
Granted, I may be one of the few people who, as an adult, would love to start over my school years, but such is the truth. When looking back at how dumb I was in my school days, I can’t help but facepalm. Now that I’m become a big boy I’ve learned to value the power of education and knowledge that my teachers tried to stick in my brain.



9. Getting Practical Gifts
Remember the time when you got your first practical birthday gift after years and years of getting toys and LEGO sets? I would kill for a bucket of fresh socks right now.

8. Listening to Good Music
By good music I mean genres like blues, jazz, classical tunes etc., not the usual Disney songs or catchy cartoon openings. Children’s psyche is not prepared to process the complex emotions put into the real music.



7. Taking Baths
Remember when you cried your eyes out when mom told you it’s bath time? I do, and I was a goddamn fool. Baths are amazing!

Contributer Brain Berries https://ift.tt/2MbAxjV

10 Things You Hated as a Kid that Turned Out to Be Awesome 10 Things You Hated as a Kid that Turned Out to Be Awesome Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, August 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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