11 high-paying work-from-home jobs

work from home

High-paying, work-from-home jobs aren't reserved for the tech elite.

There are plenty of other industries looking to compensate skilled workers handsomely for doing the same work remotely.

FlexJobs, an online service specializing in telecommuting and remote work, recently sifted through its listings for high-paying remote jobs.

Each of the below positions pay at least $50,000 a year — and often much more — according to median annual salary data from PayScale, and allow you to work from the comfort of your home.

SEE ALSO: 8 high-paying work-from-home jobs that don't require a bachelor's degree

DON'T MISS: The 11 highest-paying jobs that are disappearing in the US

Project manager

Pay: $65,000 to $105,000

Sample job description: Remote job with travel. Responsible for the promotion of services and products, design, sales, and cost proposals of field-installed projects. An Associates degree is required. 

Qualitative user experience researcher

Pay: $100,000 to $120,000

Sample job description: Full-time UX researcher needed for a remote option position with flexibility. Will build relationships, evaluate needs, recommend solutions, analyze data, conduct presentations, and support projects. Travel, more than three years' experience, and a bachelor's degree are a must.

Senior systems engineer

Pay: $100,000 to $150,000

 Sample job description: Option for telecommute. Responsible for architecture and design, growth planning, maintenance, and Skype operation. Expert level skills in systems engineering, MS Skype, and Active Directory are required. 

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

Contributer : Tech Insider http://ift.tt/2AEA83i
11 high-paying work-from-home jobs 11 high-paying work-from-home jobs Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 Rating: 5

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