Goldman Sachs' new online lending business just hit a $2 billion milestone (GS)

Marty Chavez

  • Goldman Sachs launched Marcus, an online lending business for customers seeking loans of $30,000 or less, in October 2016.
  • The business hit a $2 billion milestone last night, according to CFO Marty Chavez.

Goldman Sachs' Marcus business just hit a $2 billion milestone. 

The US bank launched online lending business Marcus last October, and passed the $1 billion mark this summer. In a September presentation, the bank said it expected to have lent out $2 billion by year end.

But in a presentation on Tuesday, chief financial officer Marty Chavez said the bank hit that milestone last night, suggesting the platform may be picking up momentum in terms of issuing loans. 

Chavez also delivered more information on the makeup of the Marcus loan book in the presentation, delivered at a Bank of America Merrill Lynch event. The loan portfolio has an average APR of 12%, which compares with charges of 16% plus on credit card balances. The loans have an average tenor of four years, with an average loan amount of $15,000, according to a slide from the presentation deck. 

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Chavez also said that Goldman Sachs can see a $13 billion lending opportunity with Marcus over three years. Screen Shot 2017 11 14 at 9.29.12 AM

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Contributer : Tech Insider
Goldman Sachs' new online lending business just hit a $2 billion milestone (GS) Goldman Sachs' new online lending business just hit a $2 billion milestone (GS) Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 Rating: 5

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