Watch Boston Dynamics' 25-second viral video unveiling a new lifelike robotic dog


  • Robotics company Boston Dynamics has released a short teaser video for its new robot, SpotMini.
  • The video was the #1 trending video on YouTube on Tuesday. 
  • Boston Dynamics used to be part of Google but was sold to Softbank earlier this year. 
  • This robot seems to be electric powered, and has gotten a major cosmetic update since the last time it was seen in public. It also is no longer equipped with a robot arm. 
  • An engineer at Boston Dynamics told Business Insider earlier this year that for demos, SpotMini is semi-automated and controlled with with an Xbox controller. 

SEE ALSO: Google finds a buyer for two robotics companies it didn't want anymore

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Contributer : Tech Insider
Watch Boston Dynamics' 25-second viral video unveiling a new lifelike robotic dog Watch Boston Dynamics' 25-second viral video unveiling a new lifelike robotic dog Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 Rating: 5

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