Amazon is reportedly working on a free version of Prime Video with ads (AMZN)

man in the high castle subway ad

Amazon is working on a free version of its film and TV streaming service, Prime Video, which would be supported by advertising, according to Ad Age.

According to the report, Amazon is talking to TV networks, film studios, and other media firms about bringing their content to an ad-supported version of Prime Video.

There has been the occasional advert on Prime Video so far, but mostly for Amazon's own services. This could be the first time marketers could push ads to Prime Video's estimated 50 million subscribers.

While Amazon is increasingly becoming interested in advertising, the company has tended not to share its own data with third parties. That could change with the ad-supported Prime Video, according to the report. Executives told Ad Age the company "may" share audience data and ad revenue with content creators who make programming for Prime Video. Payments may even be linked to popularity.

Prime Video currently features original high-budget shows like "The Man in the High Castle," but Amazon apparently wants to build out the type of programming it offers through its free version. It's reportedly targeting not only movie and TV back catalogues, but lifestyle, cookery, and travel programming.

As for advertisers, there's one overwhelming reason to get on Prime Video: Its viewers aren't just on Amazon to watch TV. Prime subscribers pay an annual fee of £79 to gain access to perks like one-day delivery as well as access to Prime Video. So anyone advertising to a Prime subscriber can safely bet that viewer is a frequent shopper, and more open to buying products.

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Contributer : Tech Insider
Amazon is reportedly working on a free version of Prime Video with ads (AMZN) Amazon is reportedly working on a free version of Prime Video with ads (AMZN) Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 Rating: 5

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