This guy dealt with his insomnia by grading foxes on Twitter and it's fantastic


If you didn't have any strong opinions on species of fox, get ready to have some.

Twitter user Colin J Carlson was plagued by insomnia on Saturday, and he had a novel solution to the crisis.

in the face of insomnia i will attempt to assign letter grades to the weird foxes. please stand by and watch this space for weird fox letter grades,, thank you

— Colin J Carlson (@ColinJCarlson) November 12, 2017

a disclaimer before i begin: i am not a fox expert nor do i know things about foxes. please correct me if i am wrong. however the letter grades will not be wrong. this is the definitive ranking

— Colin J Carlson (@ColinJCarlson) November 12, 2017

More about Twitter, Foxes, Grading, Culture, and Web Culture

COntributer : Mashable

This guy dealt with his insomnia by grading foxes on Twitter and it's fantastic This guy dealt with his insomnia by grading foxes on Twitter and it's fantastic Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 Rating: 5

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