The best Sony Xperia X deals in November 2017

Sony once again made a fantastic flagship smartphone with the Xperia X. Although it has now been superseded (twice!) by the Xperia XZ and Xperia XZ1, you've still come to the right place if you're looking for an accomplished Android smartphone for a reasonable price.

With the Xperia X, Sony produced a phone with one of the market's leading cameras. At 23MP it's definitely high resolution, and the autofocus has to be seen to be believed: 0.03 seconds is all it takes to get a sharp, clear picture. Once again the build quality of the handset is fantastic, and despite its large 5-inch screen, the Xperia X feels comfortable to hold.

The Xperia X proved again just how good Sony is at combining state of the art features with affordable prices, and as you'll see from the deals below, there are already a number of tempting ways to get your hands on the new smartphone without breaking the bank.

So read on to discover the best prices in our TechRadar-made comparison chart. You can now get it for less than £20 per month!

More options: Sony Xperia XZ deals | Sony Xperia X Compact deals | Samsung Galaxy S8 deals | iPhone 8 deals | Best mobile phone deals

The Xperia X never had the quality to properly contend with its contemporary iPhones and Samsung Galaxys, but the current prices are incredible for a 2016 flagship with a design this swish and a camera this sharp. 

Read TechRadar's full Sony Xperia X review here.

Contributer : Techradar - All the latest technology news

The best Sony Xperia X deals in November 2017 The best Sony Xperia X deals in November 2017 Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 Rating: 5

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