44 Facts All "Fixer Upper" Fans Know Are 100% True

At some point, Chip will make a joke and Joanna will roll her eyes at him.

1. The episode will always start with the Gaines family being adorable.
2. The kids will always be playing in a field or helping Joanna with a craft in the kitchen or playroom.
3. Drake will be wearing his baseball uniform.
4. Ella will be sassy.
5. The people looking for a house will either be first-time buyers or retirees.
6. Someone will be wearing Baylor gear.
7. Chip's belly will make an appearance.

8. Chip will make a joke and Joanna will roll her eyes at him.
9. Watching them, you'll secretly curse them for their perfect happiness.
10. But they'll also make you believe that love is real, so it's OK.
11. Chip will make at least one dad joke in each house they tour.
12. Joanna will call one of the houses a “blank slate.”
13. Joanna will suggest crown molding…
14. …and shiplap…
15. …and tearing down a wall to open up the kitchen.
16. Chip will make up a dare and do something dangerous, like running through a wall.

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from Design & Directed http://ift.tt/2gFnAAh
44 Facts All "Fixer Upper" Fans Know Are 100% True 44 Facts All "Fixer Upper" Fans Know Are 100% True Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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