Violent Attack in Ohio State University Leaves Suspect Dead, Several Students Hospitalized

Ten people were taken to separate hospitals after a violent attack occurred on Monday morning at Ohio State University, placing the school on a temporary lockdown.

According to local authorities, some of the students were attacked with a large knife by still an unidentified assailant. One of the students also claimed to have witnessed a car plowing toward a crowd.

While earlier reports have indicated that there was an active shooter, the police have yet to confirm if any of the victims were shot or if a gun was even involved in the incident. 

At about 11:30 a.m., the university lockdown was lifted with authorities reporting that “scene is now secure.” According to CNN, the threat is believed to have been contained as the a law enforcement officer has confirmed that the suspect has been shot dead.  

Two male individuals were seen being escorted by police in handcuffs, but it was not revealed if they were also suspects in the assault. 

An OSU student named Jacob Bower told CNN that he witnessed the man pull a knife outside near Watts Hall.
“He pulled a large knife and started chasing people around, trying to attack them,” Bower was quoted as saying. “Luckily there were so many people, he couldn’t focus on one target. I didn’t see anyone get stabbed, but I saw the police officer take down the stabber. He waited till everyone was clear, and the stabber clearly wasn’t stopping. (It) took three shots to take him down. (The) stabber had a crazy look in his eyes.”

A student said she witnessed a car plow into a crowd of people who had just exited a building during a fire alarm.

“This car just swerved and ran into a whole group of people,” Nicole Kreinbrink told NBC. “It hit a cop really bad.”

“All these people were running and screaming and yelling,” she added.

At least one student claimed that he heard gunfire from his dorm room which is near the Watts Hall where the incident occurred.

“I heard gunshots from my dorm, probably six or seven,” 18-year-old freshman Stephen Yunker said. The gunshots sound were followed by sirens a few seconds later. Looking out the window, he then found  fire trucks, cars, and a body lying on the ground. Authorities believe that the sound of the gunshots heard came from the officers who were subduing the suspect.

The Ohio State University campus was immediately filled with heavily armed police, ambulances and SWAT vehicles. The FBI, Ohio State police and Columbus police were also reportedly assisting university police.

Four victims were sent to OSU Wexner Medical Center who announced that not one of them had life-threatening injuries, while three victims were sent to Grant Medical Center who said at least two of them are already in stable condition.

The motive for the attack is still unknown.

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Contributer : NextShark

Violent Attack in Ohio State University Leaves Suspect Dead, Several Students Hospitalized Violent Attack in Ohio State University Leaves Suspect Dead, Several Students Hospitalized Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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