Track Photographer Narrowly Avoids Out-of-Control Drag Racing Car

Care to start off your week with a heart attack? This video, captured earlier this year at a track in Canada, may only be three seconds long… but it’ll make your heart stop nonetheless.

Canadian drag racer Shawn Mcfalls’ right rear 4 link bar bent right as he hit the gas on his souped up Camaro back in February at the Grand Bend Motorplex in Ontario. This sent him and his car flying into and over the protective wall on the right side of the track, and right at a poor track photographer who had to dive out of the way to save his own skin.

Here’s the terrifying moment… over and over again.

Kudos to the unidentified photographer for his lightning-quick reflexes—they probably saved his life.

(via Speed Directions)

Contributer : PetaPixel
Track Photographer Narrowly Avoids Out-of-Control Drag Racing Car Track Photographer Narrowly Avoids Out-of-Control Drag Racing Car Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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