Dog's Routine Nail Trim Appointment Ends With Broken Ribs And Death

Nail trims are a quick and routine grooming necessity for any dog. When Terrie Peacock and Stefan Zier took their one-year-old dachshund, Henry, to PetSmart to get his nails trimmed, they never imagined it would end in his death. The dog suffered two broken ribs, a punctured lung, and he was struggling to breathe with blood foaming from his mouth after just a few minutes with groomer Juan Zarate, who has been arrested and charged with animal cruelty. Henry died after spending just a few minutes in the store. "I didn't know that just taking him in would end his...

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Dog's Routine Nail Trim Appointment Ends With Broken Ribs And Death Dog's Routine Nail Trim Appointment Ends With Broken Ribs And Death Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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