How to Empower Your Law Firm With Email Marketing


As a marketer in the legal services industry, you’re not in the advertising business; you’re in the relationship building business.

With email marketing, you can easily deepen existing client relationships and forge new ones. Try hosting events to connect with clients, collecting feedback with online surveys, and tracking results with helpful reports.

Tip: Learn how one law firm uses email marketing to build client relationships.

Build strong client relationships using these three legal marketing ideas:

1. Provide Your Expert Commentary

Your company’s authority and credibility bring in clients. In your newsletters, demonstrate expertise by providing links to relevant articles accompanied by your own unique thoughts.

2. Request a Referral

Try requesting referrals from your clients and offering an incentive when they come through.

Your current clients stay with you because they are happy with your services, meaning that they are likely already recommending you to their friends and families.

Giving them a reminder or incentive only makes it easier for your clients to spread the good word.

3. Share Answers to Common Questions

It’s likely that the same questions and concerns keep coming up when you meet with clients. Address these questions in a visible space by sharing some FAQs in  your email newsletter.

Try a subject line like “We’re here to answer your toughest questions.” Then, add a call-to-action asking people to submit a question for your next email. This is a great way to increase engagement and ensure your email content is useful to your audience.

Check out the image below for more email content ideas, and visit our Legal Marketing Ideas page for template ideas and sending tips.


Put these tips to work! Sign up for a free 60-day email marketing trial. 

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The post How to Empower Your Law Firm With Email Marketing appeared first on Constant Contact Blogs.

Contributers : Constant Contact Blogs
How to Empower Your Law Firm With Email Marketing How to Empower Your Law Firm With Email Marketing Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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