Gentrification, summed up in One Perfect Tweet


Sometime a tweet just hits, distilling whole topics and ideas into 140-character perfection. Every Friday, we'll be looking into the people and stories behind that One Perfect Tweet. This week: Gentrification.

The Run-Up:

A couple of weeks ago in June, Twitter user @humancomedian dropped it: One photo, one two-word caption, and a photo well-worth its thousand words, even though it only had seven in it:

Fuck Gentrification

— Rosa Esc@ndón (@humancomedian) June 21, 2017

It's darkly hilarious. Emphasis on the dark, though: The visual touches a raw nerve—it's easy to see a neighborhood store that should ostensibly be serving a surrounding community of EBT users, taking a stand (inadvertently, or not) about what portion of that community it cares about.  Read more...

More about Twitter, Gentrification, Culture, and Web Culture

COntributer : Mashable

Gentrification, summed up in One Perfect Tweet Gentrification, summed up in One Perfect Tweet Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, July 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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